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Sustainability News

21 MARCH 2022

Sarantis Group celebrates the International Day of Forests through bioten’s tree planting initiative in Philippines

Bioten, Sarantis Group personal care brand, honors the International Day of Forests through its ongoing CSR reforestation initiative in the Philippines   Sarantis Group, one of the largest multinational consumer products companies with a significant international presence, leading brands and partnerships, through its corporate and product initiatives intensifies its efforts to have a positive impact across its operational countries, further enhancing its social and environmental footprint.

4 JUNE 2021

World Environment Day: Sarantis Group and its contribution to a sustainable future

Athens, June 4th 2021 World Environment Day is a day of celebration dedicated to the environment’s protection, encouraging efforts that will lead to a green future. Τhis day, set by the United Nations, is celebrated annually on June 5th and encourages awareness and action towards environmental sensitive issues at national, corporate and personal level.

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